[Misc] Blood on the Forums IV: Glimpse of the Future (Evil Wins)

I think we don’t have a choice, but let’s just go over everything one last time. Musn’t be too hasty.

If both sides get wincon at the same time, good wins

I mean yeah its over but not necisarrily in a town loss

We can’t risk it, Derps.

By the way, can we please go back to calling him Derps? Calling him SDA is weird and stuffy and I don’t like it.

It would be a town loss.

I call him SDA because lol simple but sure.

It wouldn’t be a town loss if cloned is demon, which I’m pretty sure he is

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Like im not opposed to killing Vul but if Vul isnt demon then Cloned is just demon going for WiFOM

Yeah I just asked.

But I’m not fucking riskin it.

If Demon ain’t in that pool, we lose instantly.

We can still eliminate 1 more player and lynch another.

Is cloned just lolcatting by putting both Outsider claims in the Shacklewright pool? I think I’m going to reserve my decision until later.

Vul could be demon I guess?

But cloned is for sure evil and likely demon trying to keep himself from getting insta shot?

That’s always the best cause of action here.

Shoot Vulgard and if we want to risk it all, we kill in the Arbiter pool.

Doesn’t matter, we still got lynch afterwards, bud.

Given his reaction yesterday, I can absolutely see that

Why wouldn’t you put the outsiders in there?

My best guess is cloned is demon trying to FPS his way out of death