[Misc] Blood on the Forums IV: Glimpse of the Future (Evil Wins)

fastest and worst gun in the west

not really as I was playing LW village, but whatever. Like ur shot was right but ur reasoning was wrong

I actually realized priestess was demon due to the lack of action from the demon

it was 100% accurate

you killed sooooooo many town lmao

u da real scum mvp

excuse me

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Tbf I was pulling the strings on that



your meta is incredibly obvious and even if you were playing village the sheer knowledge that you’re a wolf weighs down on you in a way that makes you tonally super obvious

Feels good that I indeed can imitate my village meta as a wolf

See thats the bit i dont understand as I wasnt feeling that

Bro I was so fucking nervous during half this game

Although once simon had suspicion on him I did kinda start to push agenda

it still weighed down on you, i guess? you can’t not think about being a wolf when you’re a wolf, not really

like i’m not going to pretend that i have an immense grasp of your psychology or anything because I don’t, it’s just that your meta is obvious and if I see the signs i’m going to shoot the person holding up the signs in the head

im sorry @KyoDaz

but it really was quite amusing to give you utter bullshit for the entire game

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He was channel mastered and next to evil the entire game lmao

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Like I was pushing for mislynches yeah, but like I was pushing lhf. I had no clue who my mates were and it was kinda fun, except that the whole team as a LW is annoying and with Amelias role it made it worse

i had like 5 good posts this game