[Misc] Blood on the Forums IV: Glimpse of the Future (Evil Wins)


then say something that you arenā€™t actually going to do as a wolf
use peopleā€™s metagaming against them before games even start

or just say exactly what you will do anyways

okay so what Iā€™m going to do is Iā€™m going to post a large amount of polite and agressivley erudite reads to give the impression of an intellectual

itā€™s the routine I usually subconciously pull on any authority figure i encounter IRL

itā€™s fact at some level
powerwolfing is hard to do without knowing how to fuck with people first

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so youā€™re scum irl

youā€™d be amazed how easy it is to get people off your back forā€¦ reasonsā€¦ when you have a near-encyclopedic knowledge of greek mythology and classical references to use on them


just because seizing upon any opportunity to talk about my interests is my actual personality doesnā€™t mean I donā€™t generally and largely involutnarily give off the impression of a quiet intellectual to authority figures

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I rlly didnt understand the game tbh so let others play more

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Probably a mistake in hindsight


thoughts on this setup for 5/6 players, hippo?

as it turns out
I think town sucks

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I did say it was probably priestess about 10 times early game tho lol

Solid 8/9


Look, some day I will be good at both allignments. That I swear.


How many of last games have been town losses
Pretty sure itā€™s been 9

weā€™ve returned back to the old times of villagers sucking huh
only this time there arenā€™t exclusivley village-sided setups

I will ascend to the role of Actually Decent Wolf at some point, so long as I increase my WiM for it and donā€™t rely as heavily on AtE. And actually talk to my partners in thread. That too.