[Misc] Blood on the Forums IV: Glimpse of the Future (Evil Wins)

I feel like Icibalus is trying to get Arete’d to evil or something

To be clear, Travellers have an allignment chosen by the storyteller for maximum balance.

imagine thinking i enjoy playing wolf in the slightest

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No I don’t know your meta lol

we’ll know ici is scum once he stops speaking in paragraphs

shit they’re on to me

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There are three fabled in play: the channel-mastered, the wind chimer, and the djinn.

we caught him
kick his ass

I’m pretty sure traveller alignment is a 1d3

it’s not
the storyteller just picks

Nope, official rulebook. Storyteller choice.

this allows me to draw conclusions but i’m not sure if they’d be counted as angleshooting so i’ll go ahead and keep them to myself

BotC has a much more lenient definiton of angleshooting. I think speculating about Storyteller intention is fine and not angleshooting, as it is clearly an important element of the game.

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it allows me to solve somebody’s alignment with absolutely 0 effort

I’m a villager because this role being given to a wolf would break the setup. You’re welcome.

he figured it out

I think trying to guess the Storyteller’s intentions seems like more guesswork than practically anything other method to determine anything

Well travellers are super easy to exile ici

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Yeah, making gangster icibalus evil would break the game because if they made it to final 3 they could instantly end the game

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