[Misc] Blood on the Forums IV: Glimpse of the Future (Evil Wins)

In addition Napoleon didn’t accuse me really and only kept pushing on DatBird, potential subconsciously knowing I’m right, that’s sort of a guess though.

How would the scenario change if there was a Luxy rolled in the game?

Like if Geyde wanted to trick Napoleon into voting up DatBird he’d probably just out it himself and not risk Napoleon realizing the pocketing.

Honestly I don’t know. With everyone basically being a lone wolf, and you aren’t saying he did any weird message communication, I don’t think the W/W scenario is possible. Its possible Geyde is gigaminding and somehow using the read analysis to determine if Napoleon is scummy or not using meta or something, then they both revealed and moved on.

Nevermind sorry Napoleon said he started the communication so I doubt it as much.

Asking your neighbors for reads in PM chat is really awkward either way.

And implies a sort of trust there that both of you are townie or scum, since I assumed that through desire to gamesolve reads should be public to help in gamesolving.

Napoleon’s defense felt kind of awkward, I think I might quote things I find weird.

My original theory was both being W/W with likely a Luxy having rolled and Geyde originally wanted to pocket Napoleon without realizing that they’re both the same alignment. It’s basically my go-to explanation to why Napoleon immediately trusted Geyde in such a naive manner with Geyde acting in a very agenda-y manner.

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Me scumreading DatBird was an individual read tbh

I scumread DatBird individually but I waited for his response before getting to conclusions. If I suddenly decide to go 180 before a response, the pressure tactic doesn’t work.

Same thing as above. I was waiting for DatBird’s response before I actually made any conclusions but I did keep in mind what you said about Geyde. Why would I release the pressure on DatBird before he responded?

Also what you did wasn’t particularly scummy so I didn’t accuse you.

We could still use Amelia/Ici to dayvig btw.

But I didn’t.


Can you come to main thread please?

I’m just gonna throw it out there that if Geyde is a wolf, I think they made a mistake.

I might elaborate on what “this mistake is”.

Speaking of which, don’t forget that someone here is the opposite of Italy’s alignment.

and, if italy is town, someone is also probably his alignment :eyes:

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Redrover seems confused about my slot and you can tell

I’m actually proud of myself for not AtEing yet.

if you don’t show emotions in 5 fucking minutes im gonna exile you

I’m Hippolytus
Napoleon asked if I was okay with them pushing me in thread to see if wolves would come out to defend me

I said no since I’ve been throwing hands in a lot of places by playing aggressive, and scum would likely figure out by this point.

this is a RT

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