[Misc] Blood on the Forums IV: Glimpse of the Future (Evil Wins)

And given dat took my side in Red/Nap+me, I wanted to get it out there because I was paranoid

Why did you even townread Napoleon?

His entire ISO has been quite lackluster from the beggining FMPoV.

Very similar play to Nightless game

Yes thanks for the valuable information. Now, I request only one thing other than eternal servitudeā€¦

That is actually talking and expanding on the information.

well i never really believed your claim but i didnā€™t think youā€™d claim it as scum trying to fish out my role

Iā€™m on mobile and will continue to be until next morning
Canā€™t really quote or maneuver well

Ok what is going on gamers I am back

Hey Luxy read all 1346 posts as your mandatory homework assignment

Enjoy, Also its a good idea.

Thatā€™s gonna be a no from me chief

Well either way I want your analysis on the Geyde/Napoleon/DatBird/Me Fiasco

Napoleon seems to really like to give reasons on why heā€™s town here

Give me a post range

Itā€™s not much. Itā€™s only 650-1300

ā€¦clonedcheeseā€™s ISO looks blatantely like a wolf making a hit-and-run post for the sake of clocking in, tbh.

So Iā€™m going to be going to sleep, so I wonā€™t be able to switch anyone for a while.

Someone explain this to me

This is an interesting read.

And he also noticed the scummy post I had made too.

So Iā€™m not really sure where the blatant hit and run post came from

DatBird started a whisper with me and asked for my reads when I hadnā€™t even read the thread and contributed nothing himself

Why is this scummy btw
It requires the other person to start playing the game then do something scummy in order to setup for a mislynch

If its entirely within the other playerā€™s hands and my comment is ultimately a ā€œbe activeā€ tool then why does it come from scum