[Misc] Blood on the Forums IV: Glimpse of the Future (Evil Wins)

Then I will swap you next to icibalus

I already am near Icibalus

Oh you are lmao

if you start making overly elaborate metaphors in the hopes of baiting people into saying certain words
you are GONā€™STA get vibechecked

And if I die youā€™re right next to them
SO you better keep me alive

Not necessarily given I can swap myself away

Thatā€™s bull.

Being near the Icibalus is truly an honor

i donā€™t think itā€™s possible for me to kill Amelia unless she lets her guard down?

Even a pew pew as great as mine has itsā€™ limits.

And being a control freak is too fun to just get shot

I suppose you could just swap Icibalus if you couldnā€™t swap yourself as well anyway. Shame.

Ameliaā€™s allignment is up in the air based on storyteller intention. And I have no idea whatā€™s going on with Wazza.

If I had to guess, someone in the voudon and bishop pair is evil

See, the problem is that while Italy remains alive, we have to lynch from a narrow-ish pool. And that undermines any guesses we can make about their allignment, because each implicitly counters the other, if that makes sense?

Given that as good, they still obstruct voting

And with wazza alive we really canā€™t control if they die or not

Tbh the only traveler I donā€™t like that exists in this game is the Bishop

Itā€™s more that Wazza chooses which, of any, dies, because meta says that itā€™s usually best to lynch whenever possible.

but the Bishop was evil last game so it must be good this one right?