[Misc] Blood on the Forums IV: Glimpse of the Future (Evil Wins)

there was a role which appeared as like fake demon or something

to mafia

oh yeah

lol whys it called me tho

Didnā€™t Geyde open claim it?

because of course your role would involve duplication

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that makes no sense to open claim it that ruins the whole point of the role surely

Donā€™t ask me why he open claimed it

that is sus af geyde is definately evil lmao

There is no reason if you were town and all mafia think ur mafia to claim ur actually town lmao

He could have faked demon thats so stupid

can there be 2 hippolytusā€™?

Actually, it is reasonably suspicious. It seems like a reasonable way to signal to your minions in case there is a Hippolyuts (the extra minion could be Eevee, of course).

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So, from my detailed analysis, Geyde and Napoleon decided to analyze and talk reads in PM. It was bad because they solved eachother in a process that could have been easily public and would help us solve them too and peg them as townie. Napoleon decided to post the reads early instead of letting Geyde posting his own reads on DatBird. I most certainly over accused the idea of it being a W/W interaction, at most its a pocket attempt from Geyde or a V/V interaction.

Also, in hindsight, we should have just killed Geyde and lynched DatBird or something. Oops.

Yeah there is no reason to do that as hippolytus ever, someone kill geyde lmao

All roles are unique, so no

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Because a real Magiican would never claim Magician, because it literally makes them a Vanillager and remvoes the possibility that the Demon just randomly whispers them their identity.

Ok basically imma claim

His Hippolytus claim is really odd and doesnā€™t make much sense, I would like a recap of what happened regarding that.

I imagine that heā€™s going to claim it was a meme.