[Misc] Blood on the Forums IV: Glimpse of the Future (Evil Wins)

traveler gang unite

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But that’s illegal, you can only whisper to neighbors when I live

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whispers between people who are not neighbors are strictly prohibited ( while amelia is alive)



Ah shit.

Wait then @Amelia can you whisper non-neighbours.

I mean I can fix this

I honestly don’t know

well, thanks for the heart wazza
runs off

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But I can switch wazza next to you italy

Put Italy on my other side.

Move everyone but Ici for now, we just move Ici into players we want dead.

/Switch Alice and Italy @Marshal @N.1

that’s not fair
i was going to meme with dat by recreating the dat & italy neighbor chat from electric fang gu
i even started it and everything

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alice and italy have been switched!

I think

i can’t edit it in OP anyways @N.1 has to

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this is cruelty

another thing that is cruelty is being out of fucking likes.

I can also move dat

your likes are mine
runs off with all of wazza’s likes

I have 3 swaps daily italy

btw I wasn’t joking turn me evil please Arete
