[Misc] Blood on the Forums IV: Glimpse of the Future (Evil Wins)

The fuck you on about this time with me fluffing around?

Your reads have been inconsistent this game

I got angry at you for the reads part.

Plus I have a short temper when pissed off.

Remember when you were going on and on about the travelers pact and I found that suspicious early on?

Hey I created that pact when I stayed up all night and it was just an idea to deteriorate from rando-killing the Town Travellers.

Would like answers @Redrover

I have a problem because even if redrover is scum I would not be able to lynch him because I like his pfp

I peg you as townleaning cause you made up some reads and such. It was a pretty weak townleaning that I spontaneously call null again basically at any time.

Aka idk

Wazza who are you going to be voting

probs Napoleon

so what have I actually done here that made you change your mind

What do you think of Apprentice?


Although, they wouldnā€™t shut the heck up about conversion.

wazza could you like
ISO the living Bishop choices and case them?
since you control 50% of all voteweight in the game right now it is probably more wise of you to do that instead of trying to defend yourself

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Well, I think itā€™s not a W/W with Luxy and Wazza through these interactions.

But I have a feeling one of you probably wolf.

i donā€™t particularly want to exile you because your ability will become very useful once villagers inevitably start dropping off like lfies later on

Is it just me who believes the entirety of live nominations are good aligned

Ok but what makes you think that

Because this is just conjecture around ā€˜interactionsā€™ without actually showing evidence

Wazza seems to be playing pretty well in the voting and getting people to talk and vote now. Wazza did do something that looked like rolefishing however.
