[Misc] Blood on the Forums IV: Glimpse of the Future (Evil Wins)

Now all we need is katze to actually come in and post a funny

technically ā€œYou either kill a good or evil travelerā€ doesnā€™t even apply to katze because a deviant has just as much use dead as it does alive

itā€™s basically impossible to exile them, and one vote is all a person needs

So youā€™re just an asshole if you successfully exile katze

basically yeah


Just breezed through and saw 250 posts of mech talk

Thatā€™s what happens when only the travellers are mainly speaking I guess

technically wasnā€™t all mech talk
but for the purposes of actually gleaning information yes

I thought most interestingā„¢ stuff was from redrover and hippo

Also youā€™re in seat 16 now geyde

Time for the Resident to take control

And why do you think that?

saw I swapped
still next to alice which is cool and probably could create geyxy through them


Anyway as Iā€™ve said Iā€™m saving my last swap for an icibalus shot

oh no not again

Im happy theres no post restriction

itā€™s non-mech talk that is able to be read
unlike the caravan of garbage

delicious content

I am inevitable

Legit the only thing hippo has done is talk about claiming