[Misc] Blood on the Forums IV: Glimpse of the Future (Evil Wins)

No that’s Vortox

that ain’t in the game.

I want to lynch a confirmed town.

@Napoleon I want to lynch you because I townlean you.

alright then.

massus pingus incoming

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When does day end @N.1

read my iso; again im busy.


we are in need of a few replacements

if any of you are interested plz let me or N.1 Know.



Marshal when does day end you nerd.

day ends 2020-04-05T12:59:00Z


Because you are null and therefore PoE

That doesn’t make her less likely to be scum lol

obviously not

but her inactivity is a bit more justified with that logic?

I can’t exactly join a game of which I haven’t fully read the rules yet, so… I will refuse.
Also, EOD is in 12 hours. Impossible to catch up.

Yeah but I didn’t say it was because she was inactive it was because I was getting towny vibes from most residents so suspected an inactive/lowposting demon

Why do you need to defend them they can’t even be lynched today

im… informing you of why she’s inactive?

im probably the only person in this game close enough to priestess out of the game to have known that until she ended out opting out of hosting FoL27 because of it

it doesn’t exempt her from being scum and i never implied as such

im literally not paying attention to this game enough to know why the PoE is allegedly so narrow


So I was actually thinking about Kyo’s slot and I’m not too sure about it.

In Rokugan I thought he was scum so I evaluated KyoDaz on the assumption that he seems extremely agenda-y and I don’t see that here, whereas in previous games such as NFoL4 he generally likes to take an aggressive approach and really likes deathtunneling. Him pushing DatBird makes sense seeing how DatBird has high scum equity based on his own mechanical info.

I towncored KyoDaz because I used a previous scum game (I thought it was a scumgame but its actually a towngame, I just thought they subbed out for N.1 (who was scum, right?)) and a towngame to evaluate his gmaeplay.

I still think KyoDaz hasn’t done many scummy things in accordance to his meta. He softed his class earlier and his behavior makes sense when analyzing his insistence that DatBird was evil. I’m still townleaning them though.

As for everything else, I’m not sure how to proceed. I am suggesting that Alice could be Demon but I do think other players are more likely to be Demon than her, the issue is that they aren’t in today’s execution list.

Thinking about who to execute, I don’t know how to proceed and I’m not sure if my death will actually be beneficial or harmful here as I’m not the Demon but I gain voting power.

I shouldn’t be lynched because I’m not Demon and others can be Demons, though dying here is probably inevitable for me and I gain some voting power, which of course, I wouldn’t mind gaining.

See the issue is that my lynch doesn’t give you much information. You already know I’m not demon.