[Misc] Blood on the Forums IV: Glimpse of the Future (Evil Wins)

Unfortunately… I don’t quite know who I think is demon just yet

Did you know that evil travelers know who the Demon is?

I actually did know that. I bothered to read the entire OP at any rate

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comments like this make me really happy as a host who spent hours authoring at least half the OP (other half was written by tan a while ago)


Now I feel guilty

What do you think about Luxy?

Luxy’s posts seem rather short and sweet for the most part. I can sense that they don’t quite know exactly how this works, but are trying to read based on what they do know. Slight townlean on them.

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Okay thanks.

I’d give you a more detailed analysis, but I’m kind of sleepy and not feeling like looking through their ISO

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especially since I’m kind of coming off a sugar high cuz it’s my birthday

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Happy birthday!

You do have the right to self-banish as a traveler if you want, although I’d advise against that.

The only way to remain in the game as a dead traveler is to die via exile or some other non-intrapersonal means.

technically people may target travelers with their abilities (including demon)
it’s just considered a poor idea


also it’s not impossible for a traveler to die via execution


Italy’s referencing the Scapegoat traveler, which can’t be nominated for execution directly but can be executed in place of someone of their alignment.

Also, hosts gave me permission to use the bigger, bolder letters like this.

Also also, they had to teach me how to do this.
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something I want to clarify: I truly believe that this game becomes extremely understandable if you take the time to read the entire OP, even to someone who has never heard of this game or anything even remotely like it ever before. I really hope that fear of confusion is not something that is preventing people from subbing into the game (which is something we need, desperately), and that any remaining small confusions could be clarified via DM.

If you disagree with the above opinion, please tell me why in your classcard. ty.

I spent an immense amount of time adding to and modifying the OP that Tan used in BotF II to make it much more understandable to FM players and anyone really who’s never heard of this game or anything like it whatsoever before.

The game itself is really fun and understandable

What’s not understandable is half of these people

I can’t read anyone ;-;

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