[Misc] Blood on the Forums IV: Glimpse of the Future (Evil Wins)

Hippolytus and just think about it I’ve been nearly lynched and barely anyone truly cane to my defense (including Travelers)

Hippos been pretty fine from memory so I guess that saves you. Would scarelett woman come up in those checks as demon or minion and is that even in the roles?

oh i was gonn do it

Thank you N <3

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/Give approval to kill Kyo to Ici

Assuming one of our dead ones isn’t the Demon they would show up as a minion i suppose

Which tells me you aren’t the demon :thinking:

I agree
/exile Ici

travelers please don’t kill me

He’s dead so unless there is a Scarlet Woman there’s no demon

But why exile ici cheese

I’m not sure how Scarlet Woman works tbh but I’ve been assuming that Minions see Scarlet Woman as another minion and evil Travelers don’t see Scarlet Woman

this makes no sense
what are you talking about here

Because I’m starting to think our Matron + Ici combo might be both evil

What makes you think both of us are evil though

you’re the matron

wazza (i think it was) talking about a traveler alliance seemed kinda scummy, and I don’t like that
mainly I don’t like the travelers having all the power in town which is making this game a little boring, so I want to attack them without them being able to retaliate

We win when all Demons are dead so if DatBird is Demon then game should have ended already unless there is a Scarlet Woman who was promoted into Demon

so Dat saying that still tells us that we have the actual demon to go for
plus a scarlet woman

No it means that DatBird, by likelihood, probably isn’t the Demon

A Scarlet Woman may or may not exist

we’re saying litterally the same thing but in a different way

also based on just chances I think we would have a scarlet woman

DatBird was minion, I think that’s pretty clear


can dead people give approvals?

can Kyo give approval to kill Dat again???

Top 10 questions science still can’t answer

Pretty sure only living players can give approval to kill their living neighbor, bud.

Also, am I the only person who’ve noticed Hippo has been not really trying to gamesolve, and instead constantly pushing on travelers?