[Misc] Blood on the Forums IV: Glimpse of the Future (Evil Wins)


@clonedcheese @Wazza

Has Italy done any secret whispering to either of you? I currently read both of you as villagers, so I trust that you are going to tell me the truth.

Iā€™m getting the impression nobody wants to play this game. If thereā€™s anyone who shouldnā€™t want to play this game, itā€™s me, because the previous game was a confusing mess to me. And yet, Iā€™m still here. :upside_down_face:

Yeah basically the second the mass inactivity kinda started Mist seemed less suspicious to me.

Too many inactives :frowning:

The problem is that Mistā€™s response to my pressure seemed extremely underwhelming and I think it was wolfy. Do you agree or disagree?

@Icibalus Would you be opposed to yeeting Apprentice right this instant? Also, Iā€™ve shared my thoughts about the game, which is what you desired.

I am not opposed, no.

Apprentice has been given ample time to do something, and yet they did nothing. To be honest, that makes me a little worried they are a villager, because the absolute lack of self-preservation is more indicative of V in this situationā€¦
Now I wish Amelia hadnā€™t swapped me with them.

We have 3 swaps.

And Iā€™m pretty sure Icis can only kill who is next to them and that doesnā€™t through dead people.

/whisper Icibalus
I still have no idea how exactly Iā€™m supposed to do this, but I have something Iā€™d like to touch upon.

Wait for N.1ā€™s response

Cause btw Matron means you canā€™t whisper non-neighbors

Oh, I forgot about that part. My bad. Disregard the command.

The travelers are really starting to get on my nerves just by existing.

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All three of Mist/Apprentice/Priestess could theoretically be villa, because none of them are playing the game and they lack self-preservation. Priestess is excused for out-of-game reasons, Apprenticeā€¦ Iā€™m not sure, but Mist actually tried to defend himself (and did it poorly in my eyes). So basically, I think we should kill Mist because he showed some semblance of self-preservation, unlike the other two. :upside_down_face:
Not sure if anyone agrees. Iā€™m not super certain about this myself, butā€¦ when there is not a lot of activity, I canā€™t read people very well.

Iā€™ve just realized that this doesnā€™t follow, so Iā€™ll rephrase it. Priestess and Apprentice show no signs of self-preservation whatsoever, which is somewhat villagery (unfortunately). I could say the same about Mist, but when it comes to him, the point is less valid ā€“ he actually tried to defend himself. The fact that there was absolutely no content following his defense is my primary reason for wolfreading him, but I acknowledge that it could also be a case of ā€œI donā€™t give a damn.ā€ Iā€™m still leaning toward Mist being a wolf, which is why Iā€™m pushing him and voting on him (even though I canā€™t - thanks but no thanks, travelers), but there is a chance of him being a villager.

Which is why I need more input here.

You also canā€™t vote on nominations Vulgard.

Also, please for the love of god
Do not exile Icibalus or Amelia please

So I canā€™t nominate, I canā€™t vote on existing nominations, I canā€™t whisper to anyone outside of my two neighbors, and one of the travelers can move me around like a ball, making me unable to maintain a whisper with someone.

Amazing setup, 10/10 fun for the residents.


Do you townread both of them that strongly, or do you wish to keep them in the game because of their roles?

Iā€™d also rather not have Priestess executed since I have a greencheck on them.
Kill off the nulls beforehand.

I do believe the travelers were way overdone and I donā€™t think storyteller expected them to last this long
Problem is if they blatantly leak villa then itā€™s not good to exile them even if they carry downsides