[Misc] Blood on the Forums IV: Glimpse of the Future (Evil Wins)

@sulit You are in a greenchecked slot by myself

Not at all.

doot doot

Can someone give me like a

summary or people to ISO?

Hippo is not a powerwolf.

thatā€™s lit

katze is locktown and you should whisper them as they are your neighbor

I know a lot of players have reasons for believing Hippo but a lot of others do not.

Will do,

First of all, you canā€™t vote on executions, second of all, you canā€™t nominate people to die.

The 4 people nominated to die are: Mist, Napoleon, Alice and Luxy. At least 1 of them is the opposite alignment to Italy.

By the way, these exile votes are utterly ridiculous.

im very surprised nobody is voting to exile me

Vulgard sees me and Amelia as Town yet decided to exile both of us.

Kinda sus tbh, especially considering the benefits Amelia grants us.

By the way @Amelia havenā€™t you thought about instead of moving players to Ici you instead move Ici to players?

i mean i kinda want amelia dead so i can whisper meme people but i also recognize the benefits amelia+ici combo gives us



I like how Amelia+Ici+Kyo+ DatBird interaction it was funny



2 more to go.

@Universal has replaced apprentice

no discussy replacementos

Oooooo boy.

@Universal thatā€™s a shame, you replaced into a lockscum slot ._.