[Misc] Blood on the Forums IV: Glimpse of the Future (Evil Wins)

Of course, this implies an Arete exists

Additionally, why should me and Ici help you?

Who scumread you?

because travelers share the wincon of residents?

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I have a feeling Apprentice is scummy just for that defense alone.

Only some.

Some of us donā€™t.

Wazza, youā€™re acting like youā€™re neutral

Thatā€™s not actually what I said I was trying to be funny

I am a Neutral until I decide that yes, I do gotta help my alignment lol.

I think Geyde was the main one to bring it up? and the Amelia agreed

Although I donā€™t know about Ici and I was the one who brought up how Universal should out D2.

The Universal should not out D1 as theyā€™ll just be stabbed at night.


the info I got was

The keyword for Arete begins with a vowel.

Well I agree too. Once again voting is screwed so you probably arenā€™t gonna get hung but thatā€™s my bet.

I would still say an Arete exists btw

The Universal according to the wording has something good happen immediately. If they get killed at night itā€™s a waste

Soā€¦ if its reverse info, then the arete word begins with a consonant

Okay, so it could be false but it doesnā€™t nessecarily mean that Arete doesnā€™t exist

Or that Arete just doesnā€™t exist at all

But it could also imply lack of arete