[Misc] Blood on the Forums IV: Glimpse of the Future (Evil Wins)

You claimed Kape and we are in a thunderdome. Simple

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Okay so calm yourself.
Currently we are in a crisis.
We have basically nothing to go off of so we’ve called for a mass-claim.

May be good to include who is in the thunderdome

wait im kape

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Me and you

You and Nap

So what do you have to say scum?

Nap you don’t wanna do this

@Universal Are you actually Kape or did Apprentice lie?

I’m Kape lol

You aren’t

I am not nooby enough to be fooled by an RT

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I did say Napoleon was calling you lockscum

Stop picking on Universal this is so sad

shut up Kyo, you still need to out.

Excuse me? I literally claimed HOURS ago.

Kyo literally claimed nuclearburrito

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It’s not a reaction test lol

Alright imma be honest, when I joined I was busy doing something cough gaming cough and I didn’t notice any of the initial points due to that. So nap is saying I am lockscum


Apprentice DID claim Kape as they kept talking about how conversion exists.
Napoleon cc’d this shit and that’s why someone is calling you lockscum.

ok i got shit to do will handle everything in like 30 minutes