[Misc] Blood on the Forums IV: Glimpse of the Future (Evil Wins)

the lack of claimvig does not mean that claiming is in any way safe. there are definitely important roles as town , and everyone knows the potential role list so targeted night kills are definitely a thing

Well Arete doesn’t exist so.

i mean id prefer not to so i can be a sink for the night kill but it wouldnt be that bad no

Town doesn’t have Flagbearer. There shouldn’t be any priorities at all. It’s just reading people, and I suck at those.

…weird flex, but okay. Does everyone know which claim is good and which claim isn’t? Also, what’s with you and the N.1-role?

Well… fair point. Sorry.

Either that or their would begins with a consonant

aight well I kinda want a Town to be killed so Mist doesn’t become Evil Katze.

Phew! Finally caught up. Time to read the OP.

Either way. If Italy was good Traveller, it means Zone is Evil Outsider.

no. no that is not correct. there are certain town roles which are mechanically superior to others, which people should be more motivated to keep alive

what is mist again

Wait what

Outsiders are always good :thinking:

and why is this. i dont know the rolelist basically at all so if you could explain statements like this that would be nice

to start with

This implies he got converted before nominations began

wazzas about to beat you up

who were Redrovers 3 players again.

Guys my information might be false for D2.

You mean mine?

Kyo’s 3 were rover, priestess, and dat