[Misc] Blood on the Forums IV: Glimpse of the Future (Evil Wins)

thats a big number

what the heck

MU is a fun time

one day youā€™ll see me there

you wonā€™t know it

and iā€™ll call you a nerd

until then, though

/exile Icibalus :^)

curses the :^) how can I argue against that

sorry, its unbeatable

boom bye scum

Wazza is so erratic and self-contradicting I can no longer decide if this is a villager or a wolf.

He says after voting two people other than him. I could look for other instances if you want, since the erratic and self-contradictory statements continue to appear throughout the guyā€™s ISO.

Who did Zone replace? I know Simon replaced Alice and I think thatā€™s a V slot.

I had no opinion about it when you wrote it. How was it supposed to specifically target me?

Zoneā€™s open antagonism upon replacing in basically locks him as village to me. There is no way he does this as the Demon, and I doubt he does it as a minion. It puts him in the spotlight when there is no need for that. I could see this coming from an elite wolf, but from what Iā€™ve heard about Zoneā€™s wolfgame, it should be beyond his wolfrange.

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Has Wazza ever explained why Napoleon was evil?
I could be okay with voting him out if there was a solid case on him, but I havenā€™t seen anything of the sort just yet.

I donā€™t think Wazza has explained a thing, and the fact he has an ability that is not the most helpful makes it pretty clear he should be exiled. Has he been exiled yet?

Was that Geyde? You may be confusing me with him. Iā€™ve never claimed, unless someone else wrote the post concerning my slot.

He should be. Regardless of his alignment, heā€™s making voting extraordinarily difficult.
Also, Universal claims Vulgard, which means heā€™s easily confirmable. We just have to kill Napoleon, by the looks of it. Napoleon is Universalā€™s neighbor, so if we execute him and nobody dies tonight, Universal should be confirmed.
If somebody does die tonight despite the fact, then Universal is evil and has to die. We will use your vig for that.

Exception: If the Demon can no-kill, my plan is null and void and we probably shouldnā€™t lynch Napoleon. Somebody will have to tell me if thatā€™s the case.

/exile Wazza

Is there anyone specific you want to yeet, or are you just sheeping people who arenā€™t being wolfread?

Until the mash ends, pretty much.

ā€œAre you doing X or Y?ā€
ā€œPretty much.ā€

Iciā€¦ cā€™mon now. Donā€™t do this to me.

Also, Wazza, pinging me while Iā€™m asleep isnā€™t going to do anything, for the record. Be mindful of my timezone. Iā€™m not Eevee and Iā€™m not going to pull a LotR ever again.

Sorry, yeah, Iā€™m mostly going to be sheeping my v reads for today. It shouldnā€™t be long before the mash ends- they are 12/12, after all.

Okay then.

Uhuh, goodluck explaining how an outsider is villager