[Misc] Blood on the Forums IV: Glimpse of the Future (Evil Wins)



yes I get it shut it now. All of you

ā€œNight 3?ā€
Iā€™m so sorry Marshal.
No more twilightposting, btw.

I told you I couldnā€™t change it.

And yes it is n3

The next person to talk Iā€™m gonna be pissed at so shut

okay the only vote is wazzaā€™s on napoleon.

Because a 50% majority is not required with voudon, Napoleon has been executed!

Night 3 has started, and will end when the first post said it would.

im gonna just not do this on mobile anymore
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just to clarify any confusion, yes Napoleon was executed and died Day 2. The game continues. The OP and the title of this thread are now both up to date.

Apologies for my partial lateness.

No one died last night, and the game continues! The discussion phase will last for twelve hours, until 2020-04-10T02:46:00Z, at which point the nomination phase begins.

A reminder that since the Bishop has died, the Forces that Be have retreated back into their respective realms for good, and living players must make all future nominations for the rest of the game.

Another reminder: A call for exile on someone must be established and recognized via a host via post here first before anyone can vote on the exilation (no, attempts to both call for and vote on the exilation in the same post will no longer be counted). Votes and calls for exilations take up no resources as stated before but such votes may become locked at any time in the same way that nominational votes can become locked.

Best of luck, everyone.

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Obligatory NAI Host Ping Part 1:



@Vulgard HERE NOW

whats crackalacking


The Demon is Arbiter! I got added to the chat last night LOLLLL THEREā€™S NO DEMON NIGHT KILLS FOR THAT REASON

Obligatory NAI Host Ping Part 2:


This is so fucking funny.

Although I will admit one part of it was strange. Demon didnā€™t add anyone to the chat N2 so I was alone.

Still town

May or may not have not noticed that night started

riiiiight boys
iā€™ve died in the mash so guess whatā€™s going to happen?
fuckin sickass reads yo

if arbiter exists why isnt this happening

tf you on bout?