[Misc] Blood on the Forums IV: Glimpse of the Future (Evil Wins)

hedge + shade
You had reasons to do this but it ends up looking like you’re trying to be productive when you’re just not.

I’m going to string you up and leave you to die

Does that involve trial by icibalus

who said I was trying to be productive what

That’s my new favorite phrase

dat fucked it up

Anyone who tries to exile a traveller dies.

i was trying to recreate our whisper chat from electric fang gu for the memes
but he fucked it up

why you no big brain

content that’s not actually content
that’s trying to be productive while not being whatsoever

If you want to dispute that, I’m all ears

I wasted a swap for this

I’m sorry, what?

Stay tuned for more fake news at KapeNews. Now, we will be moving on to the weather reports.

You are on this council, but I do not grant you the ability to kill every last one of them
not yet

mech bad
solve good

good reference, best route
Aw man :pensive:

I feel like solving would be easier if more residents bothered to show up

regrettably mechanics are neccecary to solve this game
but i shall do my best to drop some SICK reads

I’m playing through it right now actually, which is why I referenced it
Picked up the game since quarantine

Speaking of showing up, I’m going to take a walk


play the game gamers