[Misc] Blood on the Forums IV: Glimpse of the Future (Evil Wins)

Arbiter just seems like a demon that’s really lonely the more I hear of what they can do. Like seriously?

No one just me

Literally just me

I was told I can fake an ability but there’s no need

so um.
while including the fact that the first night in the game is night 1 (according to n.1)
does this statement change at all?

He also didn’t give me any fake commands which is strange

The arbiter chooses players at day

anyone who uses the term “Night 0” is doing things wrong and has not read the rulebook – that’s the only way to state it

thats irrelevent to what im asking

Maybe the Arbiter is a new player? Or one unfamiliar with the class?

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E.G: D1 -> N2, D2 -> N3

Which means no it doesn’t change

i know a lot of people that do that okay?
i dont agree with them
i say first night is night 1. you do not need to correct me

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probably by the sound of it

We’re ALL unfamiliar.
Doesn’t change the fact we have a fuckin thunderdome

name a more iconic duo than wazza and swearing unneccessarily

You being my alt and Ici being my dad

anyway arbiter chat resets each night i think so you dont know whether the arbiter added anyone night 2 or not.

anyway i have no idea who it is, its not me tho and i know someone else still alive isnt demon but i wont say atm

No one claimed it. That’s the issue

I’m thinking the player probably thought that if they were brought into a chat with another player of their choice, said player would see their name and in turn their class. So they were too afraid to really do anything, especially since so many scumreads were getting outted and they were just looking for minions or something