[Misc] Blood on the Forums IV: Glimpse of the Future (Evil Wins)

nah its probably townsided cuz i rolled town let’s be real

you go next to the icibalus tomorrow

Except not really because I don’t even know if the demon will survive today

Boi wtf u on about

who and why

oh nvm

lmfao. That’s hilarious. Why do I believe it as well.

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Whom are these six supposed people again?

i just realized. if this script was anywhere other than the forums there would be mad plays possible
the arbiter would contact the datbird in a whisper and (without the ST knowing, which is why it works anywhere thats not the forums), have the datbird wish that “a good player would die at the start of nominations the next day”
then, the arbiter just needs to put everyone except themselves and maybe a minion or or two into their group for that night. at the start of the next nominations, someone dies, and everyone dies

I instantly backtracked dw, if it were true it would be these players:

Icibalus (TRAVELLER)

Oh it’s most definitely townsided. Like, broken to the point of no return.
I literally had the ability to threaten people at the start of the day and I couldn’t be mislynched because I wasn’t nominated

I was posting the USSR theme and threatening people, and me and Icibalus just shot DatBird out of nowhere and he’s obviously a wolf
We doomed scum D1

Wazza should probably explain how these 6 people are locktown.
I TR most of them anyway, but still.

Not anymore. They were until I realised we had a traveller lock

Still don’t get this game

read the OP. thoroughly.

what did derps claim again

Don’t have time

Derps is the second htm claim

i see

me and him talked in whispers and i have news