[Misc] Blood on the Forums IV: Glimpse of the Future (Evil Wins)

by the way I have a hunch that the eevee didn’t actually spawn lamo

you maybe should have read the OP on this one my dude
this game was not designed to be played on a forum

i feel like the Midnight at the House of the Damned stuff does not play nice with the Tomb/Garden of SIn stuff

because i swear Poppy Grower/Magician/Mole makes sense in the setup it’s meant to be from

And of course mole doesn’t spawn

Can evils whisper me so I know who you guys are thanks

inb4 derps manages to yolo guess the eevee

Nah I exist lamo

lolMatron strikes again

i maintain that if i ever host a BotF it won’t allow Travellers at start
because that does not play nice with our meta

anyway derps you ready to call off the RT?

What rt im demon

oh true

Hey guys I’m orangeandblack5
Execute me to fulfill my win condition

Silly cat


again, I swear Goblin makes sense in Midnight at the House of the Damned, even with the limited info we have on that setup right now

most notably with the existence of lolHeretic

I wonder how this game would have gone if priestess didn’t have to replace out

i was gonna try to convince her i was evil so if priestess>sulit>derps is actually demon :eyes:

I would be much less confused