[Misc] Blood on the Forums IV: Glimpse of the Future (Evil Wins)


Why are you afraid of dying?

Why wouldnā€™t I be?

Iā€™m literally an infinite death token for the dead.

Plus I get to control lynches (slightly)

For one, you are a Traveller.
For two, you can still participate when dead.
For three, you arenā€™t very useful to wolves right now or as you would be a LW if you are scum, nor harmful if you are a member of the Town.

Well his 3rd statement is fine and the first is fine and the second is probably a joke.

I think you are reading way too hard into this and throwing shade yourself honestly.

Itā€™s not like me where me dying makes the dayvig unreliable which is actually detrimental to town

But I kinda donā€™t wanna murder traveler frans

I want to play with to the highest odds of me personally winning not the group as a whole. If that means behaving anti-town while still town or behaving town then Iā€™ll do either. The posts I made where I spouted words or wanted to get converted were mostly an attempt to get an Arete to reach out to me (actually hitting the word would be great but very unlikely). Unlikely with a Matron but if I could get converted right away it would be great. Being able to give an additional bluff to the evil team, take a lynch for them, and remove a good role from the game is huge. However, thereā€™s a solid chance I donā€™t get converted so Iā€™m not going to just try to help the evil team win all game. I just want to put myself in the best position if it were to happen.

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I am reading into it
Iā€™m looking not at the validity of the statement but instead why they make the statement

See, youā€™ve never done anything like this before (afaik) and now that you are claiming that you are trying to appear neutral is definitely eyecatching here especially after being called out for it (I believe someone did iirc but I canā€™t be bothered to check rn)

Of course the second post could be a joke
While I was writing the post I considered that, but ultimately went against it

And while those statements are reasonable they donā€™t move gamestate forward other than being shade, some of their comments parroting what other people say
Thatā€™s what Iā€™m focusing on

This game is flipless right?

wait yeah of course it is

Yes this game is flipless

You clearly arenā€™t paying attention, the 3rd statement was because it wasnā€™t me who figured it out, it was because I PMā€™d him and he told me that you canā€™t fake Eeveeā€¦

But on the other hand it feels like you are excessively throwing shade at every little thing yourself

Iā€™m meming a bit myself honestly.

thatā€™s exactly what happened

Can you tell me why you think those actions are scummy outside of not really doing much?

Iā€™m playing aggressive because rest of the game is flaccid