[Misc] Blood on the Forums IV: Glimpse of the Future (Evil Wins)

i told him to fakeclaim :slight_smile:

Of course in the grand scheme of things it didnā€™t matter because the arbiter didnā€™t know what they were doing, but I digress

I donā€™t know, because he was obviously openwolfing? :slight_smile:
Tell me what purpose ccing Dat would do.

Precisely. Thatā€™s another bonus of claiming it.
If I gave all of my info out as NuclearBurrito Iā€™d be vanilla to the Demon and not a kill target.

You know a lot of better things than lying about a fucking thunderdome?

And getting 2 people semi-confirmed as Town who have a high chance of being scum?

Do tell me what thunderdome I lied about

I highly doubt Storyteller would throw Demon into a 4 person minion PoE when there is already a minion in there

Redrover / Dat / Priestess you fucking idiot. You claimed it yourself, 2 are Town, 1 is Scum.

Iā€™m a ā€˜fucking idiotā€™
Are you stupid?
Tell me how Rover / Dat / Priestess / clonedcheese are three people?
Please learn to count.

Holy Walls Batman!

tf does goblin do

what does heretic do

ah, thank you. nevermind.

what does mephit do

what does damsel do

oh its that one. could have changed it to ā€˜you loseā€™ instead of ā€˜evil winsā€™

what does marionette do

oh so wizard is the datbird in this game then, i guess

what does this do

is poppy grower theā€¦ arete?

i did what now?

what does stableboy do

post-wall edit: I barely even know the modified names from this setup, let alone the original ones. heck i dont really know anything thats not TB all that well.

yes but thats not an exile, thats an execution.
(im correcting you because you said actually rather than technically or something, which indicates that you were correcting him in this instance, even though he didnā€™t say anything incorrect)

did all travelers only have 4 total neighbors?
also is this assuming that the information is correct or incorrect, i cant tell

1, doesnt confirm you to town as a whole, only one random traveller (whom it is hard to confirm who that traveller even is, as its hard to know who happened to have sent a message in their rolecard when you got that info.
aswell, what topic did you ask for with this

why cant it be false and have derps be an evil thats not the orange? also what topic did you ask for for this

what do you mean here? i cant argue or debate what your saying if i honestly have no idea what your theory is.

what do you mean you took those 3 from that info. you only listed 2 people in that post.
also you should leave deductions like that out from your logs, it can make them seem ungenuine. just put an asterisk explaining why person a b or c cant be the minion in this group or something

wait, were you given 4 people, or 7?

im the one claiming luxy. if kyo thinks im demon then that part doesnt matter. no point in arguing it.

yeah see its this.

:man_shrugging: i just replaced in somewhat recently, so i missed a good portion of conversations. im bad at reads but im good at getting reads from others reads (yes i account for the fact that some people will be intentionally engineering false reads). so im kinda out of it until something catches my eye or i can kinda get a feel of the conversation. i cant be bothered to go back and read ~2000 odd posts, but because of this summarizing doesnt really do me any good.

or your channelmastered or otherwise poisoned/drunk (if thats possible in this script), or derps is evil and not the orange. just because you dont think he is doesnt mean its not possible.

that only really means that nobody who was executed is the orange

thats assuming hes not evil himself. you treat something he claimed as a fact when showing how heā€™s town (you can however use it against me)

thats irrelevant to my question. i know he got vulgardā€™s approval. i was asking kyo why they thought that ici would need their permission to shoot uni.

this doesnt account for messages sent by a traveller in their rolecards. also it refers to the last traveller-post (i.e. any traveller) so do you think that no traveller posted between that post of yours and kyo getting his information in the night?

no you bagel im p sure he was part of kyoā€™s FPS. kyo is the marshal
upon reading down a bit (writing this before the next part of this wall yall can hust i dont edit these things usually and when i do you know) maybe he wasnt. well idk how that worked out by kyo is the marshal


idk the details, but kyo is saying that derps was openwolfing so if thats true it wouldnt really be a thunderdome. it would be more of a ā€œalright yeah its definitely kyo telling the truth and dat is a liarā€

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when the actual fuck did I say cloned

Which DatBird literally CCā€™d my role which is Marshal

cloned was thunderdomed by SDA.

I have a four person PoE, not three

above this line is me asking about roles and basically nothing else. derps said i did a thing above it but i dont think its relevant

Results then or am I reading this wrong?

SDA claims Hail
Not HTM???

you were quoted the results already

You donā€™t understand a thing I said.


I was on about back then when we had 3 thunderdomes.