[Misc] Blood on the Forums IV: Glimpse of the Future (Evil Wins)

That is 9! Yeetus Deletus, Town finally can fucking vote!

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Boom bye town

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But yeah, Iā€™m 99% sure this was the best move here.

actually i dont want amelia exiled but i donā€™t see a world where both wazza and amelia are good?

I donā€™t see a world where youā€™re good lmao

Besides, we donā€™t need you, and Iā€™m a dick so going by my own logic, itā€™s fitting.

Amelia cannot be evil as Iā€™m 100% sure my two results I got arenā€™t fake.

Wazza has been exiled, and dies!

The game continues.

With the bishop and voudon now both dead, all nominations and voting will be standard for the remainder of the game.


ill send a screenshot of my classcard right now


With 9 votes, wazza the voudon has been exiled from the land!


Heā€™s long gone, Marshal.

boo you did it first


Yes we exiled him twice


Nah I did it first.

/exile Wazzas corpse

lynch the corpse lynch the corpse

Banish the Banishment.

does that mean I was exiled from the land I was exiled too and I can come back legally?


Well you also somehow died so uh

/exile Wazzaā€™s life as a voudon

time to fix that

/lynch Wazza

Okay now that I have been banished, the next player to be banished shall be Katze.