[Misc] Blood on the Forums IV: Glimpse of the Future (Evil Wins)

alright nerds

heres the gamesolve

type /exile katze for free elo

/exile katze

There are currently 7 votes in favor of the exiling of kat. 9 is needed to exile them.

why we exiling katze again?and why do they want to be exiled?

this game makes 0 sense

I don’t know because I’m like 99% sure Katze is town

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why are we exiling katze again

if we just tell them to not vote and they follow that
then they are 0 harm whatsoever

I also kinda want to see if they have fulfilled their daily requirement of funny post

because im useless
because i don’t care

yeah and its technically only -EV to exile me if this game becomes close


which one of those is chemist

mist = chemist

heres the thing though. someone is channelmastered. and honestly id think that its a town member rather than a scum. so we should really find who we think is channelmastered so we can have some more safety in the information we consider. personally i think kyo might be channelmastered here. it makes sense and helps a lot of information fits together

of course it does also happen to paint me in a better light, so feel free to consider this on your own terms rather than mine

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ah well i know people literally nowhere besides this forum so i really wouldnt know them by that name :man_shrugging:

I don’t think kyo is channel mastered given the even number of Y thing is accurate

not really. worst thing that happens is nothing. unless we need him for something might as well execute him. better to try and do it now when he’s (supposedly) not actively trying to be funny

i mean

chemist is just mist with 3 letters at the start


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then why did you want them nominated

you dont know that that was referring to you though. and you cant know, without seeing the whispers of the other travellers and their role pm’s

ive seen similarly obvious names be for the wrong person before. best to check

true :eyes:

So we can vote for the people nominated to lynch now?