[Misc] Blood on the Forums IV: Glimpse of the Future (Evil Wins)

Did you forget this game is flipless bud?

Nah, I misspoke. I mean that if neither flips Demon, I will re-evaluate.

I think Mist is a villager, though. I meanā€¦ he hasnā€™t done shit even after he got nominated twice. Thatā€™s not what a Demon does.

Mist is confirmed not-demon.

Mist is confirmed not-villager.

How so? It would fit the mindset Iā€™m in rn, but I donā€™t see the mechconfirm.

Mist is Outsider.

So heā€™s confirmed specifically Minion?

Thus not Town or Evil, and depending on what Napoleon is, thatā€™s who he wins with.

outsiders are just negative utility villagers

I treat Outsiders as villagers.

Not with this one, this one is special because itā€™s whatever Napoleon was.

I mean. In the last rand I was an Outsider myself and I initially thought I was a weird form of lost wolf until I was told I could win with V.

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Not the class, I mean the alignment


Elaborate, I swear Outsiders can only win with good.

Arete can probably confirm this. Pretty dumb.

Outsiders only win with good

also arete isnā€™t the storyteller

Nah, I just misunderstood my role iirc. I saw the effect (which was super detrimental to the village and ended up causing the villageā€™s loss) and was like ā€œoh.ā€