[Misc] Blood on the Forums IV: Glimpse of the Future (Evil Wins)

kyo says im scummy. i think he thinks im demon.
he has some mechanical stuff backing this up as well

All of who what?



go ahead.

I got them all nominated because I donā€™t trust them.

i already did nerd

Nominating everyone is the same as not voting


no it isnā€™t as we need majority not plurality.

what do you mean

Wait is it majority only


It needs to have a minimum majority.

E.G: Right now itā€™s 7.

Each player needs at least 7 votes on them to be executed.

Thatā€™s dumb

Iā€™m here and Iā€™m not particularly comfortable with Simon being lynched on the basis you all trust me, because this mechanical information relies on at least a less than 50% chance of happening.
Though I suppose we take the chance anyway.

/vote Simon for execution

I donā€™t have much else to go on

There are so much variables such as channel master and Derps (extremely low chance of) being evil and his alignment tampered with my result instead of Simonā€™s

But we canā€™t exactly do nothing

Whatā€™s that

Itā€™s a fabled (essentially a modifier that the Storyteller puts in place as an emergency break of balance, as Icibalus described it as)

This is the windchime fabled.

Channelmaster is

Three fabled are currently in play being channel master, wind chimer and djinn. However if itā€™s Arbiter then Djinn doesnā€™t actually affect anything.