[Misc] Blood on the Forums IV: Glimpse of the Future (Evil Wins)

/vote derps

stop voting derps
heā€™s pure

why am i not exiled

Fashionably Late VC:

Nominees: @Simon, @Mistyx, @SirDerpsAlot, and @Redrover1760

Order of votes on these four since the start of nominations:

1. Napoleon votes on Simon.

2. Napoleon unvotes on Simon.

3. Zone_Q11 votes on SirDerpsAlot.

3. katze votes on Simon, Mist1422, SirDerpsAlot, and Redrover1760.

4. Zone_Q11 votes on Simon, Mist1422, and Redrover1760.

5. Amelia votes on Simon (and casts a vote for No on everyone else).

6. Hippolytus votes on Simon, Mist1422, SirDerpsAlot, and Redrover1760.

7. SirDerpsAlot votes on Simon (and casts a vote for No on everyone else).

8. KyoDaz votes on Simon.

With twelve players alive, the threshold to put someone on the chopping block is six votes (half of everyone alive including the nominee, rounded up).

Current Vote Count:

Simon: 6 Votes

SirDerpsAlot: 3 Votes

Mist1422: 3 Votes

Redrover1760: 3 Votes

Currently, Simon is on the chopping block.

Day ends in a bit over three hours.

I doubt Simonā€™s demon tho cuz literally everyone doesnā€™t care if he dies

This is why you shouldnā€™t lynch him, though?
Hippo doesnā€™t feel like Demon with this comment, tbh. Not enough to make me rethink the read just yet, but definitely notable.

Also I think my votes are missing?

I indeed donā€™t care about his death, but I donā€™t see why he couldnā€™t be the Demon because of us not caring about him.

Actually I kinda wanna lynch Rover now.

/vote yes on Rover
/vote yes on Mist
/vote no on Simon
/vote no on Derps

Changed my mind.

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@Vulgard apologies for this, but to streamline things for us hosts when looking through the chat log, you must use the word ā€œvoteā€ when you cast any votes (meaning your previous vote attempt today was rejected).

Feel free to vote now, if youā€™d like.

For someone who was highposting before to suddenly drop like that is not a good look by any means. It feels like a wolf who managed to put himself in a good position and is now coasting UTR because ā€œoooo a highposter couldnā€™t be the Demon guys.ā€

I think he should still have the drive to post and solve as a villager here, especially since weā€™re not close to winning, I think.

/vote yes on Rover
/vote yes on Mist
/vote no on Simon
/vote no on Derps

Here. Sorry N.

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this also applies to @Simonā€™s vote attempt

eh i didnā€™t clarify this properly before so iā€™ll still accept simonā€™s vote attempt for now i guess. Will apply for all future days though.

Simon ā€“ 6

Redrover1760 ā€“ 5

Mist ā€“ 4

Derps ā€“ 3

Simon is still on the chopping block.

/no simon
yes everyone else

Like I dont believe that minions are so inactive that not one of them say anything to save demon when hes 1 vote away from being lynched lol

You cannot unvote simon. Your vote on Simon has been locked by multiple other players. Apologies.

Wait u cant unvote?

How am I only realizing this on d4 lmao

If you vote a player, and anyone in between you and them seating wise, working down the list and looping around from 17 to 1, has also voted for them, your vote on that specific individual then becomes locked for the rest of the day, no matter if any of the people that caused your vote to become locked unvote or not.

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This game is crazy lol