[Misc] Blood on the Forums IV: Glimpse of the Future (Evil Wins)

i know kyo’s info though, roughly.
he claims marshal (and that his NB claim was an FPS helped by two others)

he has a list of 4 people, 0-1 of which are a minion, which he has a reason to believe was given when both of his neighbors were good

and he received “there is/is not* the Orange in the game” while next to me and derps.
*i forget which

cant vote until they announce it man

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i feel like it is. a particularly smart player might just not use it so as to make town make the false assumption, but i dont think anyone here would pull that

NB claim? I’m not familliar with the acronym.

Nuclear Burrito

i mean what if somebody specifically wished to have the announcement delayed, but have the downside of the fact that the clue to the downside is that what happened was literally public

making assumptions about the absence of the use of a Monkey’s Paw seems unwise to me.

A call of exile on katze has begun!

9 votes are needed for exile

There is currently 1 vote for exile on kat

@Wazza you should vote now

haven’t we nominated pretty much every single Goblin candidate in the game, though?

nah but who would do that? who here would think it through enough to use their wish to do nothing for them at the time, only to confuse town

what does goblin do

There’s no limit on the complexity of the wish, though. If the actual effect of the wish was extremely minor and specific I think the mods would allow that.

i only half know what the renamed characters do. you think i know any of the official names?

fair enough
Goblin is the one that wins if it claims Goblin and gets lynched, called orangeandblack5 because “haha orange and jesters haha”

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im not in question of whether the mods would allow a delayed announcement. im saying who here would think to do a delayed announcement?

that’s me, Simon. You need to vote. Starting an exile doesn’t count as a vote.

i mean
but I’m cleared of being the Demon or a Minion.

it was more intended as a reason to believe that speculating based on the absence of a wish announcement is foolish

i think that maybe you and i would be the only ones to do a very complex wish.
many people would just try and find a very slight effect that benefits them as much as possible and do it to try and minimize the downside.
i think you or i or maybe italy would be the only ones to do something like that.

and if we’d be the only ones to do something like that, we can safely speculate on the absence of an announcement