[Misc] Blood on the Forums IV: Glimpse of the Future (Evil Wins)

This is the exact reply an scum would make to a person when they are confident in winning.

I guess technically it’s the same for a townie but whatever

Why are you exeing me again? Can you explain your reads?

Other than culling the numbers for the demon of course

Remember since I get to talk when I’m dead, you can’t just quick kill me and ignore me for the rest of the universe.

Well I can explain myself a bit, I’m pretty burnt of this game, so I was less compelled to play.

Such is life

I don’t really care about you killing me, I more care about the whole um

“Gigantic Nuclear Shot” you are about to perform on the rest of the townies to win the game for the demon.

Honestly, do you really think the Arbriter would put himself in a 3-link if its not MyLo

You seem to think so, because you know who the demon is.

Before the Luxy was preventing you from knowing, but now you know.

All that suspicion you gave to Hippo is suddenly gone

If you really want the game to end, you could just afk and let it end.

Or stop being on the computer. Go outside and take a walk.

Damn these were only 5 mins apart, that’s going in my top 10 anime betrayal video for sure.

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SirDerpsAlot converted me.

Don’t blame me

I said the Arete word named linked

That was a good thought process shown tho

I reckon rover might be town I’d rather kill vulgard

Top tip to any townie who want to seem town: dont walkl post. Literally just spam thread with ur thoughts like rover just did. Makes it super easy to track ur progression compared to those posts which are easier to fake. I do the “say what I think with no filter” thing too and it helps ppl see ur town

Dont quote this is rover is demon

Got it. …wait, who were in Arbiter chat?

i do that in wall posts. i literally have always done that in wallposts.

Derps, Kyo, and Vulgard