[Misc] Blood on the Forums IV: Glimpse of the Future (Evil Wins)

and what is derps

he claimed the class that benefits from neighbours dying

and Derps is my v soulread and I wonā€™t let anybody kill him

i want to know what he is to help find the channel-master

Finally, a person who makes sense.

This would be impossible based on your reads.

Channel-Master, Wazza.

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no it wouldnt. and this is how we are finding the channel master. establish a group of townsfolk and look for the inconsistencies

Iā€™m pretty sure Channel-Master hit Katze.

Itā€™s strange that theyā€™ve said ā€œnothing funnyā€ all game.

Sorry about our argument earlier. In every other BotC script Iā€™ve seen thereā€™s some reason why there might be more or less Outsiders than there should be (Baron and Drunk in TB, every Outsider in Sects and Violets shouldnā€™t claim but also Fang Gu and Vigormortis, and in BMR thereā€™s Godfather and Lunatic to obfuscate the numbers), so I assumed claiming Outsider wasnā€™t clearing. It turns out it pretty much is in this setup.

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All good. Mist claims an Outsider that can change alignment anyway but everyone whoā€™s been saying that Mist is Wolf has just been saying that Napoleon is Town and that makes no sense.

Either way, what do you prefer to do?
Close our PoE down by 3 players?
Close our PoE down by 1 player?

So our group is

with questionables being


if we assume that datbird and napoleon were both minions. then rover has to be a townsfolk

note that these are starting townsfolk, so weā€™re not accounting for any conversions.

this leaves

as the townsfolk, with 2 spots left between

cant have. channel master targets a townsfolk specifically. which means it cannot target travellers or outsiders

afaik, neither derps or kyo are really in the poe

They 100% are.

Who claims DirectorHail again, Derps?

n2 wazza you were added to arbiter chat, yes?


Actually, if we call Nappy a Minion (are we CERTAIN Nappy is a Minion) then Chemist is by extension a wolf- first player executed, after all.

was uni the vulgard or their namesake?