[Misc] Blood on the Forums IV: Glimpse of the Future (Evil Wins)

You can’t PM anyone outside of your neighbors cause Matron

amelia why


The matron forbids it

(You may only whisper neighbors)

It’s the price ya gotta pay for a guiltless dayvig

Also, not to mention, the storyteller nominates, and only one traveler and the dead are allowed to vote for executions

also who were you planning to use your last swap on again?

amelia, if you don’t find anyone better near EoD you should swap katze and kyo
travelers unite (and also we can’t control ici kills until a traveler neighbors him)

I originally wanted to switch apprentice and cheese, but I’m willing to switch any other suspicious person with cheese to eliminate them reliably

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I disagree, I have a pretty nice whisper setup with Katze. Unless katze wants to move anyways

Hold on to your swap for now IMO.

you dare challenge the traveler pact

I want you to use it before EoD and I think I know how I want your last swap to be used but just hold off on it.

Whatever boomer

bold words for someone in nomination range

Except, you can’t nominate, the storyteller nominates.

Also you aren’t a traveler.

yeah but i can bribe marshal ask the storytellers nicely

Fair you are a traveler.

are you okay