[Misc] Blood on the Forums IV: Glimpse of the Future (Evil Wins)

I still find this setup really weird. It’s like… there’s so much mech shit you’re supposed to use, but at the same time, you can’t use mech shit because of malfunctioning and the existence of undisprovable (is that a word?) fakeclaims. You can theoretically use reads, but at the same time you can’t, because alignments can continue to shift and even roles can change.

Idk how to play this, still.

Again, normally BotC setups are more focused and less… janky… than this.

Yup, I got that, I’m just not sure if I wanna play in the next one if I have no idea how to approach reading, etc.
Maybe I’m just complaining for no reason.

although in fairness Bad Moon Rising does have reversible allignment changes, they just actually make sense in that setup.

like Bad Moon Rising is weirdly the setup that makes the most sense to an FM player, even if it is significantly more mechanical than most games, since it’s basically Night Kill Analysis: The Game.

okay basically
approach it like a logic puzzle
a different logic puzzle to most mechanics-heavy games, but a puzzle nonetheless
and your reads and other actions are a way to circumvent and break the rules of that puzzle to try and finish it faster than the wolves want you to

Trouble Brewing plays like a typical rolemadness with more logic, but Bad Moon Rising plays like a logic puzzle based entirely around nightkills, and Sects and Violets is based entirely around which information is true and which is false.

out of the unreleased scripts, Garden of Sin has barely any murder in it and is based instead around bizarre contusions of logic (we know the least about how this one will play in my view), The Tomb is basically a mash, with barely any investigatives, but a ton of strong PRs, and Midnight At The House Of The Damned is The Ultimate Bastard Experience™

And I have combined elements from all three + a few unreleased roles that have not even been assigned to a script yet. Lol

yeah and it’s kinda fun but it’s also super janky

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was channelmaster announced

it’s in game. it’s in the OP. I went over this earlier

i remember that at least one of the unreleased groups is more just a house for the powerhouses to be sprinkled in elsewhere rather than a script to be played on their own

that one is Greatest Show On Earth, and it’s more “and here’s some other cool ideas we had!”

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@Marshal isn’t it EoD already?

Uni, exile Katze

But wazza katze already got exiled

Right, day is over, my b


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I know but

do it again;)



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