[Misc] Blood on the Forums IV: Glimpse of the Future (Evil Wins)

Obviously I wouldn’t want to exile myself :eyes:
Icibalus is my guiltless dayvig, and even if he is evil reluctancy to shoot people could point towards the demon
So Wazza>Italy>Aktze

What was Geyde saying to you in PM?

W>V for me with the travelers is Ici>Italy>Wazza>Katze>Amelia. Ici actually has a relatively strong role and I’d rather exile him far later on.

Same here. His ability to shoot is super strong for us even if he’s evil. And given that I can control who he shoots means he isn’t that dangerous as evil anyway.

Mostly regarding DatBird with some slight concerns over Chem. It also felt quite narrow as Geyde usually tries to have a far greater scope of the game than this.

Speaking of which, I can move someone into range of him today

I personally townread Katze, so I don’t think it’s a good idea to exile them at the moment.

Through PMs I mean

But I like you list from an outside perspective.

if im reading right im their second highest V read of the 5 travelers

but who said im even possible to exile

The only reason Katze isn’t on the top is because Amelia has an extremely limited wolfgame and this is definetly V!Amelia.

Oh I read that wrong then.

Any notable games?

if you’re saying that solely based off of poisonous mafia i don’t think it’s an entirely accurate representation of her scumgame

but nothing she’s said has given me scummy vibes yet

He usually doesn’t play much, but I remember a Ritual Mafia game where even though he was very demotivated that he basically gave a pretty good sweep through the whole playerbase. Here he was fixating on Chemist/Dat.

i also think being a scum traveler would be significantly less pressure than being a scum not-traveler

as such im not entirely willing to fully clear ameilia just yet

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What was her best scumgame so far?

I talked to him about Wazza/Kyo/Redrover and I initiated these conversations while he talked about Dat as well

I haven’t had a scumgame besides poisonous

i think thats her only scum game on the forums?

@Amelia feel free to correct me

but she said poisonous was plagued by IRL issues on her end iirc