[Misc] Blood on the Forums IV: Glimpse of the Future (Evil Wins)

The latter, unsurprisingly.

My brain goes to write nk instead of demon
Fuck me

But Alice did say it reminded them of it being a scum hit-and-run also.

When the reads seemed pretty decent for outdated information.

It was rhetorical
I donā€™t think it was an actual push iirc

They put labels for me/nap/you, so Iā€™d think those are more definitive

As for whether cheeseā€™s post not jiving actually means something, Iā€™d disagree.

I didnā€™t really consider those reads tho since they read more as comments

As for that start by Alice, I think theyā€™d be more headstrong if they were seriously pushing it
It felt more like a poke than anything else

Possible that they know more than expected

I am considering it a weird poke.

Yeah okay well its been fun but goodnight. Try not to be Iciā€™d by tryhards and tunnelers k Geyde?

But thatā€™s a possibility I donā€™t want to buy into yet as itā€™s a stretch, despite it being somewhat reasonable given Aliceā€™s tendency to bus


So we got me and two people I townread, one person who only posted in an dm, and my biggest scumread being red. Im leaning Red here

That isnt what I sent. I said whenu get a chance we should spitball some reads back and forth to discuss.

redroverā€™s case on me is incredibly poor tbh

Well reads change when you catch up. Red still is low, but honestly these past 500 posts really changed my opinions on Nap to be probably lower. Geyde chances are prob greater than randtown. Mainly his tone is different than most other games I had with him, kinda reminds me of VCFM if i had to pick one. Luxys attitude and reads have been really solid would throw him in number 1 town for me atm. Cloned has been doing like a shit ton of isos but not interacting I wanna say scum for 0 interactions, but Iā€™ll give him time to catch up. Kyo is still weird af scumlean for now. Alice will stay in the alicezone (a world where unless she self resolves she never leaves). I wanna say shes pretty towny but too many games with her has she fooled me. Red/Nappy world makes almost no sense unless a luxy is in play and they dont know each other are mates, so Im sure theres scum in one but i dont feel there is a team between the two. They seem so like opposed to each other.

okay so Dat is definitely a wolf

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dat literally only makes these kinds of rambling, strange, hedgy wallposts when heā€™s wolf.

seriousoly dat you need to fix your meta to make it nowhere near as obvious

Rambling? hedgy? All of these are like direct townreads or scumreads, other than Alice who I want to say is town. And cloned who has interacted with like no one.

dat iā€™ve never seen that paragraph structure from you as a villager. literally never.

Ici like Im not gonna fight you on paragraph structure as I couldnt tell ya. I dont focus on that. If ya want recent games to compare to Poison mafia is town and nightless vanilla mafia is a scum game. If u know my sentence structure more than myself use those two games to show it