[Misc] Blood on the Forums IV: Glimpse of the Future (Evil Wins)

not demon

Unless Scarlet Woman exists.

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If ici shot the demon D1 Iā€™d laugh so hard

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Not neccecarily.

I mean scarlet woman could be a thing, but itā€™s more likely he just didnā€™t shoot the demon

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I should go back to sleep I feel tired

The only way we could know for sure if he was the Demon without instantly winning is if Dat didnā€™t die.

I honestly do not give a damn if I shot the Demon if I shot a minion, so whatever.

One of Alice/Nap/App/Red is gonna die and by the look of things itā€™s me

And for some reason I donā€™t care too much :man_shrugging:

Seeing as dat now controls half the execution votes

And the next player thatā€™s killed will control another third

The lynch controls a third, the night kill, if any, will control a 4th

People really downplay the impact of shooting a non-Demon wolf in this setup.

We get rid of a potential wincondition for the wolves, a second chance that gives the Demon breathing room, a potential conversion, or we get rid of a magical wish that probably isnā€™t always a Monkeyā€™s Paw.

Evil needs to cut down players to 2 so Iā€™m assuming that Demon can nightkill their own minions but I donā€™t know if they do that btw

I think if itā€™s like
1 minion, 1 demon, 1 resident the ST calls it as an evil win

They can absolutely do that,

Thatā€™s because if plurality

But yeah they can murder their minions

honestly this first lynch is so far out of our control that even adding a wolfā€™s infleunce to it is weirdly more helpful, as it forces Wazza to at least argue with somebody about their kill, creating information for us.

more importantly datbird is a wolf

I think exiling Wazza at some point might be objectively beneficial

They arenā€™t exactly a townread of mine either so :man_shrugging:

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