[Misc] Blood on the Forums IV: Glimpse of the Future (Evil Wins)

Oh yeah, we should also consider claiming on stand.

Cause like, while I prefer not to, the chance there is a Luxy is reasonable and people could mess up their fake claims if there is a Poppy Grower.

Since Iā€™m basically looking to be the potential lynch as Hippo outed that Napoleon is not the Demon, would it be a good idea to claim rn?

Thatā€™s stupid

Also if we really donā€™t wanna kill anyone

Alice Iā€™m more or less not going to lynch you today.

We can execute datā€™s corpse


Iā€™m leaning towards Napoleon but quite frankly I have not read enough of the threat to make a judgement.

Whoevers idea that was is clearly scum lol. Townie travellers win with town anyway right?

Yes. Thatā€™s why I said unless itā€™s confirmed Evil Alignment.

Randomly exiling us for no god damn reason is a dick move so weā€™ll be a dick to you.

Wait we can actually do this canā€™t we.

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Nah itā€™s either kill Napoleon (High chance of minion) or Alice/Apprentice/Rover

Iā€™m leaning to lynch you, Rover.

itā€™s like nolynching but with style

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By the way, why did we shoot Dat in the first place?

No like Nominating corpses and lynching them is an actual thing. I remember that now.

BUT we shouldnā€™t do it, because it will make any Katzes or Geydes evil.

we canā€™t nominate corpses.

Datā€™s already nominated tho and I can lynch them if I wanted. But I ainā€™t gonna right now since Dat also has to vote with me, remember?

Hardly, hanging someone you suspect of being evil is not ā€œbeing a dickā€. If you vote RedRover why wonā€™t you be a dick cuz you they wonā€™t confirmed evil alignment. Travellers are just as likely to be evil as good, and good travellers win with town, so that is silly.

think about it. even if weā€™re executing somebody whoā€™s already dead, technically lynching somebody who is already dead is still lynching them, and would thus still make them a wolf. not an option.

Makes sense.

We may as well exile the scummiest traveller tomorrow cuz itā€™s like a second lynch.