[Misc] Blood on the Forums IV: Glimpse of the Future (Evil Wins)

Either way. I’m inclined to vote Napoleon or Rover today.

And I’m very inclined to want Hippo dead for the same reason I want Rover dead.

So why do you want me dead again?

Travelling’s not even allowed atm the police stop you and ask you why you’re driving.

My plays and stuff I did earlier I’ve kinda forgot oops

Yeah but im clearly town and you aren’t clearly town so good luck.

  1. Wanting the Travellers dead despite they all benefit Town more than Scum, even if evil-aligned (Apart from me).

In conclusion, I’m not making any promises involving shooting Kyo, but it’s not exactly off the table.

I don’t want all the travellers dead, but if i scumread a traveller im gonna want to kill him lmao.

“i cant kill any traveller unless i have 100% proof” is bullshit.

But that’s not really a good reason honestly. And I don’t want the travelers dead. I literally only said that 20 hours ago when I didn’t process the travelers in my brain yet and treated them like traditional residents.

Well yeah no shit, but if people don’t agree with you, what’s the point?

He’s definitely still PoE. I only implied I read him heavily as v in DMs to butter him up because I wanted him to do something for me.

And the fact wazza is pushing that narrative is uper scummy as it is only beneficial to scum travellers.


You’d get rid of anyone who’s scum.

That’s not what I meant by the Traveller Pact.

Why are you not liking Redrover?

So far his points look far more fluid and logical than Rokugan, so I don’t want him dead.

Rn I’m basically split between either going for a Likely Minion/Never Demon vs. going for a Unlikely Evil/Potential Demon, which is basically Apprentice/Nap.

I don’t know how that’s possible, he guessed me as NK in an NK-Less game straight away.

In my brief 10 mins in thread you have been fairly scummy, I dislike you clearly trying to pocket and create a mob mentality among the other travellers to prevent people from scumreading or voting you. Seems incredibly scum-motivated.

yeah wazza i’m not reeeeeeeealy into this Traveller pact thing, and I don’t think it’s a sensible way of running a townbloc.

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If I think another Traveller is evil I am going to get Amelia’s help in shooting them.


You do you. But I want to kill Napoleon or Rover today. No matter what. @Redrover1760 Are you willing to out or not.