[Misc] Blood on the Forums: Trouble Brewing Signups (14/14)

Don’t say that or arete will out

We all know that Arete is here for my wonderful storytelling more than any specific edition.

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we all expect flavor text

Hmm, this thing closes in 12 mins.

5 minutes now.

any literally last-minute ins?


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Give me Slayer so I can hero-shot someone on my own team like last time I rolled Slayer


Asking for a forceroll SMH

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What time is this actually going to start?

Classes will be distributed shortly after this thread is closed, and the game thread will open with the start of the first day.


But what time is the start of the first day

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Game thread :point_right: https://forum.imperium42.com/t/blood-on-the-forums-trouble-brewing-setup-night/79377