[Misc] Blood on the Forums: Trouble Brewing Signups (14/14)

For what it’s worth, your joining would put us to twelve.

Seat 1 please.

/in space 9 and 3/4th

reee that’s 13

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im not playing with 13 unless tangeld alters the composition to guarantee at least one outsider with 13.

so /out for now

The obvious solution here is for Tan to wait until she’s ready to start, then determine whether Maxwell stays in on that basis

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Blood on the clocktower.

This is this weird shit we plaied on discord.

Join us cause reasons.

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First of all, Eevee didn’t choose an actual seat, so they’re not added yet. Second of all, you can hold for fourteen.

Do you promise not to start the game with 13 players?

I did chose to seat betwen frost and whoever was n the other side.

I promise that I will notify you if the game would start with thirteen players and you were in.

Notify me on discord, not here.
I don’t receive notifications here unless I actually open the website which is not reliable. Thanks.

/in as 1 for now.

Both of Frost’s neighbor seats are taken by Nerbins and Wazza. Remaining seats are 8, 12 and 15; Frost is at 10.

Then /out

So we’re still at twelve, then.

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Can I in as slot 0 or is it taken too?

Slot 15 would be mechanically identical to slot 0

It’s not numerical tho.

Numering stuff always starts from 0, not 15.

Like if someone asks you to count up to 100, would you start counting from 0 or from 15?
From 0, exactly

I would start from 1, actually