[Misc] Blood on the Forums: Trouble Brewing Signups (14/14)

I’ll make sure to whisper you a flower

Virgin meta exists and is gamebreaking if done well


What I mean to say is, only whisper trustworthy members of the town, such as Arete.

Even tho we just proved that demon or spy have to whisper around to provide info to rets of the scumteam?


Whisper a select few people your claim. They’ll be people you really trust. Then if you die you get to pin it on them :eyes:

Whispering claim maybe would work if not that dead people can talk.

Yes well if dead people couldn’t talk we wouldn’t have a host

Ah yes
We intellectuals well versed in the art of programming know that nothing ever starts from 1

It starts at 1.0
Can’t they ever learn?

The ping.


Please no fighting, @eevee . We’re here to have fun. And the Storyteller is always right even when we aren’t

Would you consider an 8/1/3/1 or 9/1/2/1 setup for 13 players?

If you would, I’ll stay in.
As I said, I’ll play but only if at least one of each of the four alignment types are guaranteed to spawn.

Insanity please join we need two people

Also sidenote I’ve never played this before but I have crammed on the wiki the past couple days and also 4 months ago so I do qualify for angel and anyone who says otherwise is evil k thx bye

/in on 15

You people have been DECIEVED.
My real tactic was to join this late so I could take advantage of this

Haha, you people fell for the oldest trick in the book. Kinda.

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I’m thinking about these bloody strategies before the game even starts because I know I’ll be screwed if I don’t because I’m trash!


This is when we need that “Outstanding Move” meme.


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