[Misc] Blood on the Forums: Trouble Brewing Signups (14/14)

Damn it. Imma take Seat [y] instead

What’s y?


seat 1, got it.

Yep i’ll take Seat 1
Stop searching the Internet via the images

this is basic math
3 divided by 1/3 is 3x3
since you divide first, it’s 9-9=0+1

I didn’t use help from the internet. If those were meant to be challenging, well, they weren’t.

It’s not so challenging as deceptive. It’s easy to stuff up.

Apparently 53 + 47 was a difficult sum for over 200 years


How lol?

I’m not sure lol.

So, I can’t be Seat 1 or 6…

You should be eligible for Seat 1. IIRC Italy moved to Seat 2, but I asked him and he never confirmed.

The end seats are worse because you can only whisper silently to one.
I’ll take XIII

Nah, mate, it loops back around. 1 and 15 would behave as if they were next to each other.

Ooh that’s crazy.

Not terribly so. Just turn the line into a circle.

Then it’s a tiny circle.

/in Chair 10