[Misc] Blood on the Forums: Trouble Brewing Signups (14/14)

The Grimoire keeps track of who’s what character and what they’re doing. Yes, this means Spy technically knows everything. Yes, this is technically balanced.

The grimoire is the sacred book of all that the ST has. It holds everybody’s role tokens. Yes. That means the spy will see everybody’s role.

Oh. Tan beat me to it.

the actual reason Spy is OP isn’t omniscience, it’s that if you register as Good you can get into the Villager Trust Circle

Does the game start at night/day? Is there a day 1 lynch?

N1 comes before D1 in this game, so yes.

It technically starts at night, but evil can’t kill the first night, it’s just a night for certain roles to get information. There is a D1 lynch.

So basically N0. Might want to put that in there too.

The Night 0 vs. Night 1 thing is actually an issue that has been raised by the BotC community. The correct answer is N1.

Fun fact: In BotC, you can execute the Storyteller (host)

But if you do that, evil wins

Stop confusing the newbies, Italy. We’ll get to such advanced topics in later rounds.

I’m going to draw parallells to programming languages and indices here.

which means n0 is objectively better

I’ll stop derailing now though.

The night is specifically referred to as the First Night in the rules. It doesn’t make sense for the First Night to also be Night 0.

N0 would work if no character actually acted during the setup night… but obviously we have characters that act during the setup night.

Plus the setup night is when I die, so it’s really rude of you to call that N0


I really want to join but with danganronpa starting soon I’ll /backup

BotC doesn’t really do backups :eyes:

they might since this is a bit different than normal botc

No need, I will able to read from op which explained everything.