[Misc] Blood on the Forums V: Ides of Blood - Good Wins!


a me Minon/Ghana Demon/(someone else) third minion theory needs to explain Tan’s redcheck on you, Whysper’s greencheck on me, Whysper’s redcheck on cloned, cloned’s Retro check on Whysper, and PKR’s N1 minioncheck on Ghana (and also the two nightkills last night)

I’m not sure if that’s mechanically possible, I doubt it but you’re welcome to double check

Secondhand doesn’t poison

in my theory Ghana is not retro demon pushing the claim of a retro existing and trying to save Light to convert them to evil

can you clarify what your exact solve is to as much precision as you have so I can double-check it

(not right now, I have to go eat dinner, but I’ll be back before EoD)

Whysper doesn’t malfunction with the Clockhand on them?

does the clockhand move after someone dies?

anyone thinking that this is a pretty weak claim

yeah i like my thing more
my argument doesn’t have any poisons except for clockhand

No it just moves at the start of every night. Not matter what I believe


actually, it would be 3 ahead and 9 behind

You cant just ignore things like that bruh

It moves onto dead players I think?

Wait @Amelia

Does Clockhand move to dead players?

i was genuinely thinking everyone malfunctions with clockhand

this post makes me want to clear cheese

He’s dead… but erm good effort I guess

wasn’t i clear since like
you know
when i died

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are most of these claims in the thread?

Everyone has claimed yes.

I need to do notes actually