[Misc] Blood on the Forums V: Ides of Blood - Good Wins!

Is there a nice pretty list somewhere?

this does not follow


Wait weren’t you eating dinner

I should eat some supper

What about all the poison that’s required?

The only roles that can cause hidden malfunctions are Retrogradus,Viceroy, Eclipse, Bogman

And since one of them is a demon that means there can be only 3, and after night 1 only 2. So unless I’m missing something your theory is impossible

I’m back homie

Quick eater eh.

How is it not possible for Magnus to be an Eclipse, and Tan to be an Effigy

What? Do you want a screenshot of my food?

No thanks I’m good

the clockhand can land on dead players

I think htis now becomes “Gorta is the eclipse on Whysper and Magnus is a chieftain”

Where does the PKR check go then


whysper aint demon
they have 4 votes which would’ve never happened if they were

Look again, how is Tan Effigy, Magnus Eclipse, Whysper Retrogradus not possible.

A minion could be dead, aka Tan apperently

I just posted a theory proving why


It explains Whysper suddenly going to tan on day 1, Magnus’ terrible push. Your check on Whysper. Why 4 people voted for Whysper. And arete’s stargazer info