[Misc] BotF X - New World Chaos - Game Thread (Evil Wins)

New policy:

Any person who deems “cat photos” are “neato”, instead of “excellent”, will have my vote be automatically execute on them when it comes to voting.

What if someone refused to ‘give’ cat pics but said they were too excellent to share?

They will have to allow an officer of the law to look through them to confirm the authenticity of them being to excellent to show.

The game is over. Just kidding keep playing.

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It was a reference to Intensifys bio

for a second I had hope

Nor was it referring to cats

I would have ended the game if you had someone else turn the key with you. As it is, the game continues.



Guys trust me it does

Is reading into someone who doesn’t hold the magical grimier even allowed

if the person themselves is magical

also if your talking about crich anyone can drop the bomb, it doesn’t need to have good players

Anybody want to turn the key with me :’)


Despair intensifies.

what’s going on

I got shot sixteen times by the federal agent outside my house

To be fair, you were resisting arrest.